Teaming is the New Learning

The current trend to 'empower' individual learners through self-directed learning tools, so called adaptive content and assessment, as well as self managed learning portals and massive content libraries, runs counter-trend to the increasing focus on teams and networks in the modern workplace.

Worse, this approach may serve to isolate and disenfranchise learners, holding them 'responsible' for their professional growth, and may also represent an abdication of L&D's responsibility to build skills and capabilities and develop an organizational  learning culture aligned to the overall business strategy. A monstrous disservice to the organization and the people who work there.

But there is another way...

Download  the e-book Team-Based Learning in the Digital Age  that we developed with our friends at Intrepid Learning. Let me know what you think, and let me know of other Learning Technology that leverages and supports the power of modern networks and teams.